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May 9 2012
We can buy happiness. That seems to be a pie-in-the-sky statement, but what if I told you researcher Michael Norton has proven we can?
April 17 2012
Share the safety aspect of your operation to promote prevention by Hoard's Dairyman staff While the warm weather brings a smile to our face, it can be a time of danger. Animal projects for the summer fairs...
March 22 2012
Hamdi Ulukaya risked everything, and his Greek yogurt is now the nation's market leader."You cannot separate dairy products from the farm," said Hamdi Ulukaya, founder of Chobani brand yogurts who at one...
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Jan. 27 2012
Hip, hip hooray! Now let's do it again. Class III producer milk prices set an all-time record average of $18.37 per hundredweight in 2011. The old record was $18.04, set in 2007. Unfortunately, record...
Oct. 18 2011
A recent special occasion created an opportunity to educate consumers about dairying.Last month my sister got married to a nonagricultural young man. He loves being on the dairy, helping feed calves, tossing...
Aug. 29 2011
"People really do think their food comes from the store in cans, boxes, and bottles," was what I wrote to our western editor in a recent email
Aug. 2 2011
More adventures from the student working on a Tasmanian dairy. Here in Tasmania, I have been blessed with one-on-one contact with some of Australia's native wildlife. I was introduced to the wallaby as...
June 7 2011
Last weekend several members of the Hoard's Dairyman staff had the opportunity to attend and volunteer at Cows on the Concourse on the square surrounding Madison's capitol building. A dedicated group of...
June 1 2011
Ben Logan's The Land Remembers was originally published in 1975. He is now 90 years old and lives in Viroqua, Wis. Photo by Caroline Beckett used with permission of Itchy Cat Press. As a transplant to...
May 31 2011
Earlier this month, we were introduced to Anna Gibson, a Washington State University student who is working on a dairy in Tasmania, an Australian island. She shares stories from her first week "down under."...
May 3 2011
We are all familiar with the daily routine on our own farms and maybe how dairy producers in other regions of the country operate their facilities, but a select few have ventured internationally to learn...
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March 16 2011
We are globally connected. The earthquake, tsunami, and pending nuclear crisis in Japan have reminded us of that. We first need to reflect and be thankful for our own families and loved ones as we watch...
Feb. 10 2011
1. Yuma Rugged Tablet Computer This handy hand-held tablet computer is farming-friendly. Its thick case prevents breakage from drops or falls. We loved that it is waterproof (and manureproof) and protects...
Jan. 26 2011
It must be a busy week for dairy meetings. The editorial staff of Hoard's Dairyman is spread thin this week with one editor attending the International Dairy Foods Association meetings in Miami, Fla.,...
Jan. 24 2011
"There's a love affair with dairy around the globe," said International Dairy Foods Association's Chief Executive Office, Connie Tipton at the 26th annual Dairy Forum in Miami, Fla., on Monday, January...
Jan. 19 2011
If you read our most recent issue, you would've noticed an article by Frank Mitloehner from the University of California- Davis who is taking the time to set the record straight on the dairy industry's...
Nov. 17 2010
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just a week away? I almost did until of course, I spent a good hour of my evening going back and forth with family about what time the big "to-do" should be. One of...
Nov. 2 2010
As the San Francisco Giants clinched the World Series title, I was ecstatic as most long-time central California baseball fans were! 55 years is a long time to wait for a World Series title – years...
Sept. 29 2010
The International Milking Shorthorn Show was held today, Wednesday, September 29. The show began with the milking classes, the champions, and then followed by the heifer classes. Two well-known cows of...
Sept. 1 2010
All too often we hear of tragic accidents in our industry that not only claim the life of a loved one, but the head of a dairy farm business. On August 26, Brian Krull of Lake Mills, Wis., was killed in...